Established 15 years ago, Futura Floors GmbH is best known as a manufacturer of solid, strip and three-layer parquet. However, it has also offered designer PVC flooring since 2014. The company's production operations are centered in Bosnia, where facilities include a sawmill with a joiner's workshop for a number of pattern systems. There is also a warehouse covering more than 20,000 square meters, from which 15 of the company’s own trucks supply customers across Europe. In total, Futura Floors currently employs around 235 members of staff who work in sales, procurement, production and warehousing. Among the company’s biggest customers is the timber trade and wholesale and retail sectors, which it supplies with own brands.

Futura Floors has two exciting new developments to showcase at DOMOTEX 2020 in Hannover. Firstly, it is unveiling a new corporate design - a new logo and new company colors - and, secondly, it is expanding its product portfolio, particularly its range of designer PVC flooring. Futura Floors is announcing no fewer than six new wood designs for 2020 in the "Vinyl-Klebeplanke" line of adhesive vinyl boards, and the "RCP Design Diele Clic" and "SPC Design Diele Clic" designer tile ranges.